Category Archives: Wind energy

Grid Integration of RE – lessons learnt from Europe


This week I had the pleasure to visit the International Solar Energy Center (ISEC) in Lanzhou in Gansu and give a presentation ath the 9th International Summit on Solar and Wind Energy in Western China. The presentation gives a short overview of flexible energy systems and the latest development in trans-national grid planning in Europe.

The main messages are

  1. Flexible thermal power plant and flexible operation of the electricity and heating systems are key to integration of fluctuating wind and solar energy
  2. Institutional and economical barriers are serious challenges for a flexible energy system in China
  3. European experiences from the use of visions, scenarios and market studies before more detailed assessment of new grid project could be transferred to a Chinese context
  4. The challenges regarding grid planning and grid development in Europe and China are quite similar and mutual exchange of experience and solution would be benificial.

Find the presentation here: RE_integration_July_2012


Wind energy status in China


My good friend, Jiang Liping, Vice president at State Grid Energy Research Institute, has an excellent blog with reflections on the development of energy in China. Recently she published an article which gives a status and prospects for wind energy in China. The article is written by leading wind energy experts and it gives a comprehensive overview of the development of wind energy, relevant regulation and support incentives, as well as an overview of current challenges regarding wind power integration. A must-read if you are interested in wind energy development!